Hello my loyal blog readers! I'm now back in the United States after my three and a half month trip to Costa Rica, Mexico and Cuba. It has been several weeks since I have posted because once I left Costa Rica, I only spent a few (busy) days in Cancun, and then went to Cuba for 8 days, where I had very limited internet access. Despite being homesick at the end of my time in Costa Rica, I really enjoyed the rest of my trip, and I will write more about it in the weeks to come. I was only back at my dad's house for about two days after returning to the U.S., and now I'm in Montana, where I will be working (starting tomorrow) until the end of August. It's been a hectic few weeks, but I'm excited for my new job and can't wait to explore Montana, which is a state I've wanted to visit for years now. Soon I will fill you all in on the rest of my time in Costa Rica and my trips to Cancun and Cuba, but for now, here is a post I started writing several weeks ago but never got around to posting (it was written when I was still in Costa Rica, so it will read as if I am still there when actually I'm not). Enjoy!