Hello Family and Friends! As usual it has been way too long since I have updated you about my life, but this time it is not for positive reasons like having way too much fun to write a blog post. As some of you know, but many of you don't, my life has changed quite a bit since I last wrote, and I haven't really felt like talking about it to anyone other than my immediate family. But now I feel the time is overdue to let you all know what's going on.
I moved to Cape Cod for a job doing shellfishing with the Town of Barnstable, and that was all going great for the first couple of months that I was here. Around that time, though, the back injury I had been dealing with when I was in Florida reared its ugly head again, and the eventual culmination was that I was let go from my job because I wasn't physically able to do it anymore. That was a huge blow at first because I had moved here specifically for that job, and I started to doubt whether I should even be here at all without it. I went through a few weeks of feeling very low and unhappy as I scrambled to find work so I could afford to keep living here. However, my fortunes were good, and I was able to get a full-time position with the company I had been doing catering for on the weekends, called the Casual Gourmet. So now I work at the cafe they run at Cape Cod Hospital in Hyannis, and although it's not what I ideally would like to be doing, the work is way less physically demanding and much better for my healing process.