Thursday, January 7, 2016

Welcome to my new and improved blog

Hello everyone, and welcome back to those who are past readers! As many of you know, for the past several years I have been living and traveling in many different places, and so far I have had a blog for each of my adventures. However, I've come to realize that if I continue in that pattern, I will end up with so many blogs that I won't know what to do with them all. So to avoid that, I have decided to re-vamp this blog in which I wrote about my trip to Europe last fall/winter and make it my primary one. My goal is to provide access here to all of my past blogs and use solely this one for new posts in the future, wherever my life and travels take me.
To this end, I have included links at the top of the main page of this blog to access all of my previous ones, and for your convenience I will list them here as well.

My Semester in EspaƱa - written August-December 2010 during my study abroad semester in Salamanca, Spain

AmeriCorps Cape Cod - written September 2012-August 2013 about my year living in Wellfleet, MA and serving with AmeriCorps Cape Cod

Lindsay's Las Vegas Adventure - written August 2013-August 2014 during my year as an AmeriCorps member with the Nevada Conservation Corps

You may also notice that although it is the same blog, the URL has changed. That is because I want it to be something a little more universal to anywhere I might go, as opposed to just Europe. But if you have any links to my posts saved with the old URL, never fear; you can still click on them and you will be redirected to the new one.

And even though the URL has changed, I decided to keep the name. It originally came from the fact that I could only spend 3 months in the Schengen area of Europe and there were way too many countries I wanted to visit, but I think it still holds true in a general sense as well. There are so many countries around the world that I want to explore, and even a whole lifetime sometimes doesn't seem like it will be enough time to do everything. But I'm not going to let that stop me from trying, so I'm just going to take it one trip at a time and have as much fun and as many experiences as I can.

And what is next, you might ask? My next trip starts in 2 weeks! I will be going to Costa Rica for about 3 months to do some volunteering and general exploring, and then my hope is that I can go to Cuba for a few weeks after that. Cuba is a country that has always fascinated me; I've wanted to go there ever since I was a kid, for reasons that I can't quite pinpoint (maybe being told by my government that I'm not allowed is part of the appeal, who knows). After Cuba, maybe I'll go to Puerto Rico or somewhere else in the Caribbean and hang out there while I work on job applications or interviews for when I head back to the states. As with my trip to Europe, I'm not getting caught up on planning out every detail before I go, that way I can be more flexible and roll with whatever comes my way. Also similar to last year, the length of my travels and how many places I go depends partly on how long my money lasts, but this time I don't expect to spend as much money as Europe because the cost of living in the areas I will be traveling is much lower, so my dollars will go further. Unlike my Eurotrip, I am NOT trying to cram every single country in the region into my intinerary. That became too exhausting and didn't give me enough time to learn about each culture as much as I wanted to. I have heard only great things about Costa Rica from everyone I know who has been there, and it sounds like a very beautiful and special place. Therefore I'm going to take my time, stay in each spot for a while, and see various areas of the country so I get a feel for it as a whole instead of just one or two cities.

Thank you to everyone who has kept up with my exploits over the years, and if you're new to any of my past blogs and decide to check them out, I hope you enjoy them! If you would like to be kept up to date on my latest travels, feel free to subscribe in the box in the sidebar to get email updates each time I post. Happy reading and happy travels!

1 comment:

  1. Yay! Good luck on your next adventure, and take lots of pictures!
